Wednesday, 2 April 2014

"PompomLoveFest" workshop : Wednesday 30th July 10am - 12 noon

Pompom Love Fest
We've spent the morning making, squishing and fondling woolly balls. aka pompoms! Not many people can say that. (Especially when they are at work)... have you guys signed up for the brand new "PompomLoveFest" Pompom making workshop at The Gilliangladrag Fluff-a-torium on Wednesday 30th July 10am - 12 noon?? Anyone can make them - suitable for either: Adults; Unaccompanied kids over 11+; or Parents with kids over 7+ - and it costs just £20 each for the session...

...Easily made with one of our super duper easy peasy whizzy pompom makers - you can make as many as you like! And then just when you thought things couldn't possibly get any better - we'll give you a FREE tissue paper pompom to complete your workshop and take home with you too! :-)

To book - call us on 01306 898144 or email

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